Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Teaching Your Child About Resilience

Resilience is one of the most valuable traits we can foster in our children. It’s the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and keep going in the face of adversity. In today’s ever-changing world, building resilience is more important than ever. Here’s how you can teach your child to be resilient and thrive, no matter what challenges they face.

Model Resilience Yourself

Children learn a great deal by observing their parents. Show them how you handle stress and setbacks with grace and determination. Share stories of how you overcame challenges in your life, emphasising the effort and strategies you used rather than just the outcome.

Encourage a Growth Mindset

Teach your child to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. Praise their efforts, perseverance, and progress rather than just their successes. Encourage them to embrace mistakes as learning experiences.

Teach Problem Solving Skills

Help your child develop problem solving skills by encouraging them to think through challenges and come up with solutions. Ask guiding questions that lead them to consider different approaches and outcomes.


Example Questions:

  • “What do you think you could do differently next time?”
  • “How could you solve this problem?”
  • “What have you tried so far, and what else might work?”

Promote Healthy Risk-Taking

Encourage your child to step out of their comfort zone and try new things, even if there’s a chance of failure. This helps them learn to manage fear and uncertainty and builds confidence in their ability to handle whatever comes their way.


Activities to Consider:

  • Trying a new sport or hobby
  • Speaking in front of a group
  • Making new friends

Build Strong Relationships

Supportive relationships are crucial for resilience. Help your child build a network of positive relationships with family, friends, teachers, and mentors. Teach them the importance of seeking help and support when they need it.

Foster Independence and Responsibility

Give your child age-appropriate responsibilities and allow them to make choices. This fosters a sense of control and independence, which is crucial for resilience. Celebrate their successes and support them through their failures.

Teach Emotional Regulation

Help your child understand and manage their emotions. Teach them techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and positive self-talk to cope with stress and frustration.


Techniques to Try:

  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Counting to ten
  • Visualisation of a calm place

Encourage a Positive Outlook

While it’s important to acknowledge and validate your child’s feelings, also encourage them to see the positive side of situations, as this independent school in Kent recommends. Help them find the silver lining in setbacks and maintain a hopeful perspective.



  • Keeping a gratitude journal
  • Discussing daily positives at dinner
  • Setting and celebrating small goals

Celebrate Resilience

Recognise and celebrate instances when your child shows resilience. This reinforcement can help them understand the value of perseverance and resilience in their own lives.


Celebration Ideas:

  • A special family outing
  • A small reward or treat
  • Verbal praise and recognition


Teaching your child about resilience is a long-term investment in their emotional and psychological wellbeing. By modelling resilient behaviour, encouraging a growth mindset, and providing support and guidance, you can help your child develop the skills they need to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and strength. Remember, resilience is not about avoiding difficulties but about facing them head-on and emerging stronger on the other side.


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